Deep Sky
Astrology School
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The Bible of Prognostic Astrology book contains slim algorithms for making the most popular predictions: on the topics of career, marriage, childbearing, moving and property.
For the first time in the world of astrology, there is a book that gives specific instructions on how to analyse a horoscope step by step, what questions can be touched upon and most importantly - how exactly to analyse a horoscope.
Price: 25€, Paper book
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25 EUR
Tatiana Kalinina
Paper version. The electronic one is not available for sale.
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The First Steps to Vedic Predictions
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К оплате: 25 EUR
Добавить ещё книги:
Deep Sky Astrology
The Bible of Prognostic Astrology
Diseases and death in the natal chart
Astrology of Pregnancy
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