The First Steps to Vedic Predictions

The Bible of Prognostic Astrology book contains slim algorithms for making the most popular predictions: on the topics of career, marriage, childbearing, moving and property.

For the first time in the world of astrology, there is a book that gives specific instructions on how to analyse a horoscope step by step, what questions can be touched upon and most importantly - how exactly to analyse a horoscope.

Price: 25€, Paper book

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25 EUR


Tatiana Kalinina


Paper version. The electronic one is not available for sale.


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Author of books

Tatiana Kalinina

  • Head of Deep Sky Astrology school, educator.
  • Creator of the largest educational programme in the field of Jyotish astrology.
  • The creator of the Deep Sky trend in astrology.
  • Popular research astrologer and prognosticator.
  • Author of successful public forecasts for presidents, politicians, countries and prominent people.
  • Author of the following public predictions: Trump (2016) and Biden (2021) presidencies, assassination attempt on Navalny, revolution in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, border closure from Covid, war in Armenia, confrontation between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, etc.
  • Author of books with unique astrological techniques ‘Pregnancy Astrology’ and ‘Disease and Death in the Natal Chart’.
  • Creator of the largest astrology training channel in Russian-speaking YouTube.

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