Astrology of Pregnancy

This book contains a unique study of the horoscopes of women who have become mothers and specific techniques for determining when to conceive children. This book is suitable for astrologers who want to learn how to predict the few weeks before pregnancy. This material will be a useful aid in selecting dates for IVF and ICSI, and will also provide invaluable knowledge for practising astrologers counselling on fertility and marriage.

Printed Book.

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Tatiana Kalinina

Head of Alpha Forecasting School, educator.

Book version

Printed version

With techniques and formulas for determining favourable periods


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Soft cover, А5, 69 pages, Year of publication: 2017 г.,
Code ШB072DWM26H

Author of books

Tatiana Kalinina

  • Head of Deep Sky Astrology school, educator.
  • Creator of the largest educational programme in the field of Jyotish astrology.
  • The creator of the Deep Sky trend in astrology.
  • Popular research astrologer and prognosticator.
  • Author of successful public forecasts for presidents, politicians, countries and prominent people.
  • Author of the following public predictions: Trump (2016) and Biden (2021) presidencies, assassination attempt on Navalny, revolution in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, border closure from Covid, war in Armenia, confrontation between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, etc.
  • Author of books with unique astrological techniques ‘Pregnancy Astrology’ and ‘Disease and Death in the Natal Chart’.
  • Creator of the largest astrology training channel in Russian-speaking YouTube.

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